Amber- fake or real ? (Part 3) January 26, 2021
There are numerous Amber-looking materials around
Glass- is hard, cold, does nor scratch with metal and is fire-proof
Synthetic Resin- has particular man-made shape, often heavier than Amber and has smell of
plastic when heated /test it by the hot needle /
Celluloid- Lightly heavier, and has again this nasty plastic smell when tested with hot needle
Generally this smell is unavoidable when plastic /all above types, polystyrene, polyester/is
Rub the stone for few minutes using some pressure, if it not synthetic , it should emit light
balsamic smell of a pine tree.
Copal- the natural material, made from tree resin, with very similar look but not the same
characteristics and price. it’s not nearly as old as amber.
It is much younger, first of all. While Natural Baltic Amber id 35-45 mln years old, the age
of Copal is slightly older, than one million years. So Copal is much softer because it hasn't
had enough time to fossilize. It does not have Amber quality to use it in jewelry.